Adron Homes and Properties, a leading player in the real estate industry gives back to her landlords.
In commemoration of her tenth anniversary, the company decided to embark on giving back to society especially her clients who had stood and believed in the company as well as keyed into her numerous housing (estates) projects across the country and beyond.
The Group Managing Director, Aare Adetola Emmanuelking seized the opportunity to reiterate the company’s vision of making the incredible affordable by ensuring quality shelter for everyone.

In a statement, Aare Adetola Emmanuel King stated that ” Adron is poised at bridging the housing deficit gap in the country and beyond”
He attributed the company’s success as one of the leading players in the real estate industry with dozens of mega estates across the country to the trust and confidence the company enjoys from clients and prospects.
A team of management staff led by the Director of Brand and Business Development, Barr, Alonge Tola made surprise visits to some of the company’s estates, alongside Mr. Kazeem (JIGAN) one of the Brand ambassadors for Adron Homes, which added more elements of surprise and glamour during the visits to numerous landlords.
Jigan handed the landlords gifts packs in commemoration of the anniversary.

The landlords were full of excitement to see their Nollywood celebrity standing just in front of their doors, they expressed their gratitude to Adron Homes for the act and also for matching words with action, especially in regards to infrastructures at their different estates they commended the company for ensuring uninterrupted power supply.
The excitement in the faces of the numerous landlords whom we visited was glaring as they received the gift items and gave their appreciation speeches and some even became emotional.