MUST READ!!! 26 Reasons You Must Never Beat Your Wife – #Ramadan—-The fact is Beating Doesn’t Make Your Wife To Respect You Or Make You The Man.
Some men have reasons they hit women. Although they insist some of these reasons are valid; they are mere excuses.
A man’s strength should be used to protect not demean a woman. Have you ever wondered about the trauma battered women undergo? If you know this you’ll never hit a woman.
A woman is likened to a garden that should be protected. She is likened to a flower that should be nurtured.

But when mishandled will fizzle out and may never be the same again.
Yes! They can be annoying sometimes, that is the time you need to display leadership and not act otherwise.
When you act otherwise; it shows immaturity.
Show me a successful woman and I will reveal the man behind her success.
A mature man possesses strong character. He listens to a woman’s opinion, gives her room for mistakes, and swallows her pococurante attitude during a heated argument.
But chauvinistic men assume that a woman’s opinion doesn’t count these set of men see women as lesser beings that should serve them.
Any man who hits a woman would
- It is against the law of God, it is unscriptural.
It is a sign of weakness.
It is a sign of immaturity. It simply means you are not mature.
4 . It depicts lack of self-control.
- It makes you an aggressive person.
It will taint your image if you have any. No matter how grave your wife’s misbehaviour is, once you beat her, you become the foolish one. Nobody will praise you for beating her. It is the most foolish thing you can do as a husband.
It makes you are a truce breaker. You promised to protect her, now, you are beating her.
God commanded you to love, honour, nourish, cherish and protect your wife.You promised to love and care for her not to kick her.
It makes ‘MAN’ synonymous to ‘MAD’. She will not see you as a man again but as a mad man.
It disconnects the woman from you.
It will affect her psychologically.
12 . It shows you are not reliable and dependable.
- It is a bad example for your sons.
It makes your daughter develop a bad image of men and marriage.
It shows you are a bad crisis manager.
It means you are not the head of your family but the headache.
It shows you are not in control of your mind.
It shows you are at the lowest side of life.
It means you are not a gentle man.
It makes you a monster and a beast.
- It shows you are a loser and not a winner.
Violence breeds violence. The woman you beat can bite you.
It changes your banquet house to a boxing ring.
I’m sure you will never want your son-in-law to beat your daughter. Why then are you beating somebody’s daughter?
It is against the natural law. Real men are known to protect their wives because the women are weaker and needed to be handled with care.
It shows you are not a great husband; you are not an irresistible husband.
Don’t DO IT.