Finally, Pastor Chris Streams Healing To Every Nation This Week—It’s finally happening this week, something beautiful, something the world has been waiting for, and yet it’s been available for several years. All over the world, people are rising up from their sickbeds, beyond all hope, and walking free.
Reason: the healing streams of Jesus has been channelled in the direction of many around the world through the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.
The event whose publicity is reverberating in several countries, in over 4000 languages and across thousands of broadcast media platforms is set to hold from Friday October 29 to Sunday October 31, 2021 by 6pm GMT+1 daily.
It will recalled that in July, 2021, Roseline appeared to have reached the end of her rope; she was suffering from mixed connective tissue disease and interstitial lung disease. Both conditions left her bedridden, hooked up to an oxygen tank, and without any real hope of recovery, according to a testimony segment monitored on the Healing Streams Television, a dedicated TV dedicated to showcasing miracles received during the Healing Services of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, President of LoveWorld Incorporated, also known as Christ Embassy.
The narrative said: “Everything changed when she registered for the July edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. As the Man of God ministered under the power of the Spirit of God, he commanded the evil spirit responsible for her condition to leave, and immediately she recovered.”
Roseline is not alone in this glorious experience: Charlotte Dzelemonyu had suffered for five years from hidradenitis suppurativa, a disease that presented with boils that would not heal. While she was participating in the Healing Streams, she suddenly noticed that she could lift her arms, something that had hitherto been impossible due to the boils in both her armpits.
All over the globe, the same thing was happening; hitherto incurable conditions vanished at the mention of the Name of Jesus, and people who had been given up for dead suddenly received a new lease on life.
And now, it’s happening again! From October 29 through October 31, 2021, you too can be God’s outstretched arm to the sick and wounded in your corner of the world. Here’s how.
Discussing the impact of these Live Healing Services, the man of God, Pastor Chris, said, “There have been lots and lots of testimonies, and they are still coming in. We’ve got another one coming soon and, I tell you, the world hasn’t seen anything yet!”
The excitement is fever-pitch as many prepare for this most extraordinary event. Churches, organizations, and individuals in various parts of the world are in earnest prayers every minute, every hour, every day. “You and I have the responsibility of interceding for others and our prayers bring the power of God to bear upon the sick,” says Pastor Obi Umeasiegbu, zonal pastor of Christ Embassy Nigeria South-South Virtual Zone 1.
Behind many smiling faces are people worried about an ailing relative somewhere. This makes it paramount to tell everyone about the Healing Streams because, in the words of the Pastor Deola Phillips (director of the Healing School), “Only those who hear about the program and act in faith by participating in the program will be healed.”
What you must do
Register your loved ones who need healing. Register the janitor in your office who’s suffered from back pain all the while you’ve known him. Register everyone you know. They don’t need to go anywhere special to get healed. “The power of God is where you are; it reaches even to the realm of the dead,” Pastor Deola emphasizes.
You only need to spend a few hours scrolling through your favorite social media feeds to realize one thing: there’s a concerted effort to spread fear all over the world. Today, people are so afraid of pathogens they are willing to give up their civil rights for the promise of protection from sickness and death. You can be a part of spreading faith instead of fear by creating virtual healing centers. All you need to do is go to and create a virtual healing center, to which you can invite friends and family to watch the Healing Services with you.
Now, it’s time to take action.