If only those in power can listen to God’s prophet and directions, many things will not go wrong in Nigeria and the world as a whole. As a matter of fact, the crisis we are facing in the world is due to the negligence of those in government towards the prophets of God.
It’s so unfortunate that some of the happenings in the world right now can be traced to the prophecies of Primate Elijah Ayodele, the leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church. It’s not as if his prophecies are the ones causing the crisis, but they are what he has warned against at one point or the other but because of negligence and disrespect to God, our leaders fail to listen.

If someone who is a man of God says something is going to happen, as a leader who is going to be affected by it, you are expected to take heed to warnings even if you feel the vessel that delivered the message is doing permutation or guess work, at least, take actions first.
During Nigeria’s 61st Independence prophecy of Primate Elijah Ayodele which was released this month, the man of God spoke about things to expect before the next independence. He started by saying leaders of Bandits will be captured and killed. To fulfil that, the leader of ISWAP was confirmed death some weeks back and the new leader appointed was just killed by the Nigerian army today. Several prophecies have been fulfilled in this independence prophecies released by the man of God. His prophecies come to pass almost immediately.
One thing about his prophecies is they are ever green, they never wear out just as the word of God will never go unfulfilled.
Earlier today, there was a prison break situation in Oyo state and as a result, several inmates were freed. This is not the first time this will be happening this year in Nigeria, it happened in Imo and Kogi state too. This is another fulfilment of Primate Ayodele’s prophecy.
In July, Primate Ayodele released the 2021/2022 edition of his annual book of prophecy titled Warnings To The Nations. On page 299, he made it known that there will be jail break between 2021 and 2022 in Nigeria.
The jail break today in Oyo state has yet again fulfilled Primate Ayodele’s prophecy.