Pere And Angel Mocks Saga Over His Excitement To Leave #BBNaija After Nini -#JusticeForPere [VIDEO]—–Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye Housemate, Angel, has expressed how she felt about Saga’s reaction after he was asked to exit the Big Brother Naija Show.
Shortly after Nini got evicted from the show, Saga was asked to leave the show. The reaction on Saga’s face when he was leaving the house, showed that he was no longer interested in continuing the show since Nini was no longer in the house.
During a conversation Angel had with Pere in the White room, after their fake eviction, Angel, who was surprised, told Pere that she had never seen anyone reacted the way Saga did when he was asked to leave Big Brother Naija House.
She suggested that the reason why Saga was happy to leave the show was that Nini had been evicted, so the show would have been different for him.
Pere agreed to what Angel said and added that, since Saga thought that he (Pere) has been evicted, and Nini was no longer in the show, there was no need for him to continue with the show.
Meanwhile, after Saga left the show, he said that he was happy to leave the house because he could see Nini. And without Nini’s presence, the show would have been boring for him.