BREAKING: Trump Sweeps Biden In South Carolina With Wide Margin [FULL RESULTS] – #USElection2020—The Associated Press of the United states has announced that the of the people of South Carolina voted more for Repblican Donal Trump than for Democrat Joe Biden.
With both Aspirants running head to head, the incumbent President won South Carolina by 51% which is 79,873 votes while former VP Biden has 47.7% which is 74714 votes.
In the United states, the winner of the election is determined through a system called the electoral college. Each of the 50 states, plus Washington DC, is given a number of electoral college votes, adding up to a total of 538 votes. More populous states get more electoral college votes than smaller ones.
A candidate needs to win 270 electoral college votes (50% plus one) to win the election. In every state except two – Maine and Nebraska – the candidate that gets the most votes wins all of the state’s electoral college votes.
Below are the us election results from South Carolina won by Trump…
Candidates | Vote % | Vote count |
Donald Trump Republican Party | 51% | 79,873 |
Joe Biden Democratic Party | 47.7% | 74,714 |
Jo Jorgensen Libertarian Party | 0.9% | 1,457 |
Howie Hawkins Green Party | 0.3% | 405 |
Roque De La Fuente Alliance Party | 0.1% | 93 |