“I’ve been here in BH since yesterday, I came to participate in an event,” Ronaldinho said.“I took the test and tested positive for COVID-19. I’m fine, asymptomatic, but we’ll have to leave the event for later. Soon we will be there together. Big hug!”
Earlier in March 2020, the FIFA World Cup winner was jailed in Paraguay after entering the country with fake passports.
Unarguably one of the best players the game has ever seen, Ronaldinho produced a glittering career that saw him play in France, Spain, Italy and his native Brazil.
He won 97 caps for the Brazil national team between 1999 and 2013, lifting the World Cup, Copa America, Confederations Cup, and won Olympic bronze in 2008. At the club level, he won titles in Spain and Italy as well as the 2005-06 Champions League.
He won the Ballon d’Or in 2005 and was twice named FIFA World Player of the Year.