In the email, the man expressed his dissatisfaction towards the retail giant’s decision to display the Black Lives Matter banner on their website which he found to be “disturbing” and “offensive” because “All Lives Matter.”
Jeff Bezos responded to the customer:
“I have to disagree with you. Black Lives Matter’ doesn’t mean other lives don’t matter. Black lives matter speaks to racism and the disproportionate risk that Black people face in our law enforcement and justice system.”

He added:
“There have been a number of sickening but not surprising responses in my inbox since my last post. This sort of hate shouldn’t be allowed to hide in the shadows. It’s important to make it visible. This is just one example of the problem.
And, Dave, you’re the kind of customer I’m happy to lose.“.
There have been series of protests across the world on racial discrimnation, especially against black people, since the death of an African American man George Floyd, in Minneapolis, United States.
George Floyd was allegedly killed by police officers who had responded to an alleged fraud issue at a shop in Minnesota.