On April 20th, President Andry Rajoelina officially launched #MadagascarCure, an Herbal tea remedy for coronavirus branded ‘COVID Organics’ as scientists around are still working tirelessly towards producing a vaccine for the deadly disease.
The herbal remedy was developed by Congolese Doctor, Dr. Jerome Munyagi in partnership with the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research (IMAR) and branded ‘COVID Organics’.
According to the IMAR during the launch of the product, COVID Organics contains Artemisia – a plant with proven efficacy in malaria treatment and other indigenous herbs.
It was gathered that Artemesia is cultivated in other parts of Africa like Cameroon, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia – all high-altitude regions with a pronounced cool period.
Rajoelina, while speaking with ministers, diplomats and journalists at the IMAR, said
All trials and tests have been conducted and its effectiveness in reducing the elimination of symptoms has been proven for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 in Madagascar. Two people have now been cured by this treatment. This herbal tea gives results in seven days.
However, the launch of Covid-Organics (CVO) in Madagascar has raised many questions from World Heath Organisation (WHO)and other health bodies.
These questions border on the efficacy of the herbal tea and the health implications on those who ingest the ‘Coronavirus cure’.
World Health Organization (WHO) in a statement warned against any self-medication and said that it has not recommended any medicine as a cure for the COVID-19.
WHO in Madagascar was also not present during the launch of CVO, an act which serves a show of disapproval by the health organization.
However, after about a week of the launch of CVO, there has been visible social impact, according to Madagascan authorities.
Authorities have been giving out the herbal tea in schools for free and in the streets of Antananarivo, Fianarantsoa and Toamasina, the cities in the country hardest hit by the pandemic.
Lova Ranoromaro, the chief of staff to Madagascan President, stated that;
We offered it to more than 20 patients and, since the launch, others have asked for it.
The Chief of Staff assured that “their health condition is improving”.
As at May 3rd, Madagascar with the continuous use of the herbal tea has now recorded 98 recovered Coronavirus patients among its 149 registered cases and no deaths.
These figures have led to a clamour by Africans calling on the World Health Organization (WHO) as well other health bodies on Twitter to pay attention the herbal tea as a possible cure.
#MadagascarCure Western Countries will act like they are not aware that Madagascar has a cure simply because they've always deemed Africa as a poor and vulnerable continent.
MADAGASCAR thank you for representing Africa. ❤️💕♥️🗣️ pic.twitter.com/WtHuASdaor— Xolani Ngcobo (@XolaniNgcobo167) May 2, 2020
I won't be surprised to see Europe/America start selling the same #MadagascarCure to Africa soon in tablets and call it another name. pic.twitter.com/Nzqa3N4AGP
— Kolade Akeni (@koladeakeni) May 3, 2020
W.H.O, Bill gate and the entire Europe simply doesn't want the world record book to have an African country as the savior of the world, country da even Africa is pushing away in there map has become the main corner stone #MadagascarCure pic.twitter.com/cdTHZVlVfJ
— Franck (@Franck_Cisko) May 3, 2020
Why is the world acting like we haven’t found a cure for covid19 in Africa #MadagascarCure pic.twitter.com/U6lEcyhhx0
— Paul of Truth (@iam_paulash) May 3, 2020
To our African Leaders we are not ashamed of the herbs from #MadagascarCure. I believe that Madagascar's focus is to save lives not to make a profit with vaccines. Please allow us to order, our lives and health comes first . pic.twitter.com/ez6Q70YXyt
— Rivalani (@MeMeGuruu) May 2, 2020
Just because its not Bill Gate or some wealthy china scientist they not takin dis seriously our Government doesn't believe in our own intelligence #MadagascarCure pic.twitter.com/tytGu8erxV
— 🇮🇹 Magofrizah 😎 (@SabzaMagofrizah) May 2, 2020
See photos of COVID Organics (CVO) below;

Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina downing a bottle of CVO during the officially launch of the local herbal tea believed to prevent and cure coronavirus