Due to facts and records at which men senselessly deny their wives reproductives rights in health facilities with the majority ending up dying, Two prominent Medical Doctors have advised women to settle down with men who have sense.
The two doctors; Dr. Ehizibue Peace and Dr. Chioma Nwankanma all who work in national hospitals in Nigeria who have seen the bane of men’s indecisions felt their is need for women to be very careful while taking a life time decision.
According to Dr. Chioma, many women of today do not strive for financial independence before settling down with their partners which ultimately denies them of many rights when it is time to make decisions even concerning their own health.
Narrating their various ordeals, Dr. Ehizibue said;
She once had an encounter with a man who declined consent to emergency C/S for his wife just because they do not do operation in their family, meanwhile she has signs of probable eclamsia.
Dr. Chioma disclosed that she also faces similar situations in her facility and humbly appeal to women to first strive for financial freedom before getting married otherwise they will end up marrying senseless men with money who will not respect their rights including preventing you to have C/S to save both your life and that of your baby’s.
Check their intearction below;