Renowned investigative journalist, Kemi Olunloyo, has urged First Lady Aisha Buhari to pray for the repose of the soul of Chief of Staff of the President, Abba Kyari, who died on Friday of the COVID-19 disease
Mrs Buhari had a long-standing battle with Kyari as her husband’s right hand man.
She accused him severally of being part of a cabal which allegedly hijacked President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.
Ms Olunloyo tweeted on Saturday calling Kyari a hero and urging Nigerians, especially the first lady, to pray for his soul.
“Kyari as the hero I knew him of being, also handed this letter to @femigbaja WARNING lawmakers to go through airport checks for #COVID19. He knew he had it and wanted to prevent the spread,” she wrote.
“I therefore want to urge NIGERIANS especially @aishambuhari to pray for Abba Kyari’s soul.”
According to islamic rites, Abba Kyari would be buried in Abuja today