As the global lockdown continues, the World Health Organization (WHO) believes the stay at home order being implemented in most countries may not work in poor countries.
The organization, however, advised governments of these poor countries to provide the necessary stuff that will compel people to comply with the directive.
This was indicated by the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Ghebreyesus at a press conference.
In his submission, he said;
“How do you survive on lockdown when you depend on your daily labour to eat? News reports from around the world describe how many people are in danger of being left without access to food.
We also call on all countries to ensure that where stay-at-home measures are used, they must not be at the expense of human rights. Each Government must assist their situation while protecting all its citizens, especially the most vulnerable.
Some countries and communities have now endured several weeks of social and economic restrictions.