Facebook has added another messaging app to its portfolio. The newly launched messaging app, “Tuned”, which targets couples who want to share private moments with themselves, was developed by Facebook’s New Product Experimentation (NPE) team.
The New Product Experimentation team is saddled with the responsibility of developing new social media products from scratch, and its newest product is ‘Tuned’. The messaging app was developed to allow its users chat, share photos and music, as well as a timeline of shared memories.
While commenting on the messaging app, Facebook’s New Product Experimentation team described it is “a private space where you and your significant other can just be yourselves.”
The app was launched at a period social media platforms are experiencing a rise in usage, as most of the world population are isolating in their homes out of fear of the Coronavirus pandemic.
As you may well know, the pandemic had informed the decision of governments around the world to declare lockdowns as a way to ensure social distancing during. As a result, many people have taken solace in social media apps for some sort of entertainment, as most working-class now have more time on their hands than ever before.
In the meantime, ‘Tuned’ is not yet available globally. However, according to industry site, Sensor Tower, the messaging app is on Apple’s App Store in the United States and Canada. The app is also currently ranked No. 872 in the United States and No. 550 in Canada in the social networking category.
‘Tuned’ chat app joins an array of social media apps under Facebook. The likes of Instagram and WhatsApp are part of Facebook’s portfolio.
What you need to know: The New Product Experimentation team has been responsible for some not-so-popular apps owned by Facebook. The team built “Bump”, an anonymous chatting app that was developed for its users to make friends. Users are unable to post pictures, videos, or links. They only communicate via text messages in real-time, with answers expected to be sent within 30 seconds.
Another app produced by the Facebook team is “AUX”, a music app for teens and schoolers.