After news of the death of legendary basketball player Kobe Bryant was announced, a 2012 tweet of man identified as Dot Noso surfaced where he predicted the death of the star.
The man had reportedly made the tweet in that year after the star basketball player flew a teammate in his helicopter to see the doctor.
He was reacting this report below in 2012, not knowing his prediction would one day come to fulfilment:
“Kobe Bryant did not speak to reporters after practice Monday because Lakers point guard Steve Blake suffered an abdominal strain and could only get an appointment with an Orange County doctor in the early afternoon, so Bryant flew him there in his helicopter to avoid any irksome traffic on the 405.”
He tweeted:
See reactions:
I assure you that’s not the case. Though it wasn’t the best thing to say, this statement probably stemmed from the fact that Kobe Bryant would take helicopter flights to several locations on numerous occasions, hence the OP saying he’s probably going to pass away from such.
Griffin, Men in Black 3: Well, where there is death. There will always be death.💔Please don’t blame him for tweeting about Kobe Bryant’s death.💔Have some respect to the bereaved family.😢😭RIP King of Legends, such a great and all respect to you👑🙏😭
*** I don’t blame you, AT ALL bra bra, but some things said can’t be taken back. Just know the power speaking things into existence do exist. R.I.P Kobe Bryant a Basketball Legend and Icon.