A young man from San Antonio Texas, has been arrested for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend and carving his name on her forehead with a knife.
19-year-old Jackub Jackson Hildreth was arrested by police on Friday, December 6, and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after his girlfriend, 22-year-old Catalina Mireles, accused him of attacking her.
Mireles said the pair met on Facebook about four weeks ahead of the attack, which left her with a broken jaw, a black eye, and extreme swelling and bruising on her face.
According to her, the attack began in the morning and lasted until the afternoon as they argued about their relationship.
‘He was going to put me in the closet until he figured out what he was going to do with my body,’ Mireles told KSAT-TV.
Mireles told investigators that Hildreth grabbed her by the neck and punched her in the face before carving his name into her forehead with a knife.
He fled the scene before police arrived but authorities were able to track him down hours later on Friday and arrested him.