The proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra, on Friday, said its leader, Nnamdi Kanu, does not need any form of permission from the ‘cabal’ in Aso Rock to return to the country, to either bury his mother or visit.
This was revealed in a statement signed by the group’s Media and Publicity Director, Emma Powerful.
Emma Powerful claimed that the ‘cabal’ was surprised by the recent diplomatic feats Kanu had allegedly recorded.
He said, “Recent decisive diplomatic advances recorded by our leader have taken them by surprise. Our leader never asked anybody to campaign for his return to bury his mother. Why these busy-bodies would be poking their noses into a matter that does not concern him is beyond understanding.
“Nnamdi Kanu does not need to consult anybody to return here. Our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is yet to make his intentions public regarding his proposed visit. If and when that happens, they should be rest assured that no permission would be sought from the Aso Rock cabal that rule Nigeria or anybody else for that matter.”