BBNaija housemate, Symply Tacha and Seyi who were fake evicted on Sunday have returned to the main house. The Tacha and Seyi have been staying in a different house since the fake eviction on Sunday without the knowledge of the other housemates.
Video below.
Just recently we reported that Big Brother Naija housemate Tacha said even if she doesn’t emerge winner on the reality TV show, she is going to be bigger than whoever wins, even if it is Mike.
The controversial housemate said this to her secret roommate Seyi and she also mentioned that Mike is only seeking a market to thrive, whereas she is already in the market and will only get bigger when she leaves the show.
She then further mentioned that she is not even ready to leave now. While reacting to her statement, social media users berate her for believing so much in herself, over others. And some even mentioned that it she thinks low of other due to her inferiority complex.