The Catholic Archbishop of Benin City who also doubles as the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria, Fr. Augustine Akubeze has called on those who teach marriage courses to get the ‘Life Lessons From Mudipapa’ as part of their library.

In a forward he wrote on the book, Archbishop dissected the contents of Life Lessons From Mudipapa,’ touching on important aspects of life the author touched on.
He wrote, “I recommend this book for all those who teach marriage courses. Those in the academia will find the style and content of the work very rich. Couples who are struggling with day to day challenges will be able to find insights to their solution.
“The book is faithful to Catholic teachings on courtship, marriage, family, parenting, investment and retirement. The author in a single book is able to cover the entire span of life of the average human person. This book will make a good reading for all serious-minded inquirers into these important themes dealt with in this book.
“I therefore, commend the author Francis Ewherido for having the audacity to write on these complex issues. May all who read this book find new inspiration to continue to work for the family and marriage, so, that we all can have a good family and consequently have a good society,” he said.

‘Life Lessons From Mudipapa’ was launched last Sunday at the Bankers House Building at Victoria Island, Lagos. Prominent people from every walks of life were part of the epoch making event. The launch had Olorogun Moses Taiga, President-General of Urhobo Progress Union (Worldwide) as the Father of the Day was Chaired by Chief Johnson Modika Barovbe, a prolific educationist, philanthropist and proprietor of the prestigious Westminster College, Lagos, and had Engineer Chuka Eche, former Enugu APC Governorship Aspirant and Business, as the Chief Presenter.