The Governing Council of the University of Benin at its Meeting held on Thursday, 11th and Friday, 12th April, 2019 decided to fill the position of the Vice Chancellor which will fall vacant on 1st December, 2019 at the expiration of the term of the incumbent Vice Chancellor. Accordingly, applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the position below:
Job Title: Vice-Chancellor
Location: Benin City, Edo
Qualities and Qualifications Required of the Candidate
The person to be appointed the Vice Chancellor of the University of Benin must:
- Be one of unassailable integrity;
- Be a Professor of at least eight (8) years;
- Understand the contemporary demands of Leadership of the University. He/she should have had a wide administrative experience of at least 5 years, and be capable of giving dynamic leadership to this University;
- Be one with high scholastic and academic credentials who must have accomplishment in academics and/or in public life generally. He/she should, have a senior teaching and/or research position in a University;
- Command both national and international respect, particularly in the academic world, to enhance the good reputation of University;
- Be one who is likely to command the respect and loyalty of Members of Staff and Students of the University;
- Be a person who is not likely to foster personal, racial, ethnic, political, religious other sectional interests;
- Be morally sound. He/she must be free from financial embarrassment;
- Be of good health and have a pleasant, strong personality;
- Be a person of courage who can decisions on the merit of facts and principles and not on the basis of pressures for individuals or groups;
- Not be above 65 years old at the time of assumption of duty;
- Be Information and Communication Technology (ICT) proficient;
- Write in not more than five hundred (500) word his/her vision/mission for the University.
Terms and Conditions of Service Applicable to the Post
- The Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a single term of five years only on such terms and conditions as may be specified in his/her letter of appointment.
Application Closing Date
17th June, 2019.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit their detailed applications, twenty-five (25) copies of their Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting, among others, the following:
- Full Names;
- Age;
- Marital Status,
- Academic Qualifications with dates;
- Publications;
- Administrative Experience;
- Details of Public/community Services.
In the case of a nomination or “search Candidate”, the CV must be accompanied by a letter of consent duly, signed and dated by the Candidate.
Each applicant must have three (3) referees who should be requested by the applicant to forward their referees’ report under confidential cover by Courier Service directly to the Registrar.
All applications should be submitted by Courier Services under confidential cover in sealed envelopes marked at the upper left hand corner “Post of Vice Chancellor, UNIBEN” to reach the:
Registrar & Secretary to Council,
University of Benin,
P.M.B. 1154, Benin City,
Edo State.