A young lady identified as Ife Aboyeji, an ND II student of Business Admin in Yabatech, Lagos, was caught after stealing from her boss.

The YabaTech student who stole over N500K while on IT, is said to have her father as an accomplice in the crime she perpetrated. She committed the said act withing three months of working in he organization.
It was learnt she had first stolen some money and no one noticed, so yesterday she went again to steal in the morning and no one also noticed.
She allegedly went back again for the third time in the afternoon to steal again that was when her Madam worked in on her and caught her. The CCTV footages were later reviewed as all her previous atrocities came to light.
Ayodele Gbenga Oladimeji who shared a CCTV footage of the lady stealing the said amount wrote;
This is Ife Aboyeji, a ND ii Student of Business Administration in Yaba College of Technology who was on SIWES in an organisation and carted away with over 500k within her 3months in the organisation. Investigation reveals that her father is an accomplice as he has been benefiting from the proceeds of theft.
Train your kids well so they don’t end up being an embarrassment to not your family alone but the society. Yabatech management must take actions as her act has brought disrepute to the institution.
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