President Donald Trump of the United States has ordered the grounding of all Boeing 737 Max 8 and 9 planes across America.
The President told reporters that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will ground the planes in question in the US as part of an emergency order, “until further notice”

The President said the paramount concern of his administration at the moment is the safety and well being of the people of America.
“The safety of the American people, of all people, is our paramount concern,” he said.
A flight attendant union said the decision to ground Boing 737 Max planes is “good news.”

“Lives must come first always. But a brand is at stake as well. And that brand is not just Boeing. It’s America,” she said in a statement. “What America means in international aviation and by extension in the larger world more generally — that we set the standard for safety, competence, and honesty in governance of aviation.”
She then said further that what aviation workers only care for is the safety of everyone on and off board:
“We must be leaders in safety, always. We thank all who spoke up. Aviation workers will always stand up for safety. We have that ability and right through our union. It’s important to recognize the critical role unions play in raising issues, demanding the best of ourselves, of management, and government.”