During the Friday show of ‘Your View’ on TVC, show host Morayo Afolabi-Brown tearfully apologised to her husband for the controversial statement she made concerning him and their daughter on Wednesday, December 5th.
Morayo during a discussion on Rape which was she anchored live alongside other colleagues, said she would never trust her husband enough to bath their daughter because of the increasing cases of fathers molesting their daughters.
During the live recording of her show this morning, a tearful Morayo apologised to her hubby. She said;
”The last 24 hours have been tougher than I expected, my sincere apologies to my husband, I love, trust and respect you! It was an error and I’m really sorry!
It was not my intention. I love, Trust and respect you.
You do not deserve all the horrible things people have said about you.
Watch a clip of her apologising below