Someone has erected penis-shaped Christmas lights on the front of their home, covering roughly one storey and neighbours in the vicinity are not happy with the rather uncomfortable sight.
According to Metro UK, Stephen Bailey-Todd, 53, said:
‘The lights were flashing and it is so in your face, you cannot help staring at it. I was in complete disbelief. ‘I know young people like to have fun but it’s deeply offensive and shows a lack of respect.
The display appeared on the street in Berkshire yesterday, in time for the start of advent. It is believed to have been put up by a group of students living in the house.

Mr Bailey-Todd said:
‘It was quite a shock to be honest. When you walk home you just don’t expect to come face to face with an enormous penis on a wall.
The dad- of-one added:
‘I would hope that if they are students, their university or college takes some form of action against them. ‘It’s not the sort of thing you would want a child to see.’
The display was put up only a short walk away from Reading University.