“The Director of Voter Education and Publicity at Kogi Office of INEC, Mr Ahmed Biambo who confirmed the incident in a telephone interview with NAN said that the victims were from the Information and Communication Technology and Account departments of INEC.”
Four staff members of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), a member of the NYSC and a three-year-old girl on Saturday died in an accident along Ajaokuta–Lokoja Road.
According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), the victims were returning in the evening from Ayingba, Kogi, where they attended the wedding ceremony of another INEC staff.
NAN gathered that the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member was performing his primary assignment with INEC office in Lokoja and the child belonged to one of the INEC staff members.
The Director of Voter Education and Publicity at Kogi Office of INEC, Mr Ahmed Biambo who confirmed the incident in a telephone interview with NAN said that the victims were from the Information and Communication Technology and Account departments of INEC.
Bimbo said that the corpses had been deposited at the morgue of the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja.
Meanwhile, the Kogi Sector Commander of Federal Road Safety Corps ( FRSC ), Mr Olisegun Martins, could not comment on the incident as he did not respond to calls made to his telephone number.
The Genius Media.