A Ghanaian pastor over the weekend reportedly cancelled a wedding over the couple’s HIV status.
According to a report by Yen Ghana, the couple identified as Joyce Waithera and Paul Waithaka were instructed to take a HIV test before walking down the aisle and when the results came in, the pastor refused to officiate their wedding.

The cleric, Jesse Karanja, even went as far as calling the police to drive the couple’s guests out of the church compound.
The bride and groom could not bear the embarrassment and decided to stay away from the premises leaving the guests to feast on the food before leaving.
Everything from the decorations, sitting arrangements to the cars meant to ferry the bridal party went to waste after pastor Jesse refused to show up for the ceremony.

According to a guest close to the family, Jesse kept giving insensible excuses as to why the wedding could not take place.
“The pastor has been taking us round in circles since 10.30am to 6.30pm. He has given us excuses that do not make sense then decided to call the police for no reason. He is not a doctor and cannot comment on the couple’s status,” the irate guest let out.

Another guest stated the pastor had his own personal problems but had no right to transfer them to the couple that just wanted to be united as man and wife.
“I just pity their parents because I do not know what is going on in their minds,” he said.
A church elder was later recorded saying the Mizpah House of Prayer does not tolerate immorality and proclaims a life of purity. According to the church, s*x before marriage is frowned upon and couples are required to stay celibate before marriage.