“The Awards is the most prestigious award in Africa, showcasing and rewarding great talents in the film industry.”
Veteran actors, Richard Mofe-Damijo and Joke Silva have emerged winners at the 14th edition of the Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) in Kigali, Rwanda.
While RMD emerged the overall Best Actor in a Leading Role, for his role in Cross Roads, Silva, bagged the Best Actress in a Supporting Role award for her character in Potato Potahto.
Below are some of the winners from Nigeria
Best Actor in Supporting Role: Gideon Okeke- Cross Roads (Nigeria)
Best Actress in Supporting Role: Joke Silva- Potato Potahto (Nigeria)
Best Actor in a Leading Role: Richard Mofe-Damijo- Cross Roads
Best Actress in a Leading Role: Dakore Egbuson- Isoken (Nigeria)
Best 1st Feature film by a Director: Michael Mathew- Five Fingers of Marseille
Best director: Frank Rajah Arase- In my country (Nigeria).
AMAA was established in 2005, aimed at facilitating the development and relevance of African film and cinema by providing a reward & recognition platform for filmmakers on the continent.
The Awards is the most prestigious award in Africa, showcasing and rewarding great talents in the film industry.
It has since become the most – hungered after – event in the African movie world.
The Genius Media.