“The Police Public Relations Officer, Oyo State Command, Adekunle Ajisebutu, confirmed the incident but said that he had yet to confirm the number of victims.”
An infant and her mother, along with a commercial tricycle operator, were killed when an articulated vehicle with fuel-laden tanker rammed into them on Ring Road area of Ibadan on Friday.
It was gathered that the driver of the vehicle lost control after a brake failure and, in order to avoid running into other vehicles, decided to make a detour into a lay-by where it hit the victims who died immediately.
It was also gathered that out of rage, a crowd at the scene attempted to seize the driver and burn the vehicle, but it was quelled by policemen who quickly rushed to the scene.
Firefighters from the state also rushed to the scene to prevent an explosion.
The Police Public Relations Officer, Oyo State Command, Adekunle Ajisebutu, confirmed the incident but said that he had yet to confirm the number of victims.
The Genius Media.