“The result of the primary election was announced by the Lagos State Chairman of the APC, Tunde Balogun on Tuesday night and Jide Sanwo-Olu was declared the winner, with 970,851 votes while Governor Akinwunmi Ambode got 72,901 votes.”
Clement Ebri, the Chairman of the National Working Committee of the All Progressives Congress tasked with conducting the Lagos governorship primary, has endorsed the result of the primaries held on Tuesday.
Ebri had on Tuesday cancelled the election, saying they had not conducted the election.
However, after consultation with the National Chairman of the party, Adams Oshiomhole, Ebri was told to accept the results, reports PM NEWS.
The result of the primary election was announced by the Lagos State Chairman of the APC, Tunde Balogun on Tuesday night and Jide Sanwo-Olu was declared the winner, with 970,851 votes while Governor Akinwunmi Ambode got 72,901 votes.
See tweet from Lagos APC Twitter handle:
APC NWC Lagos delegates, Clement Ebri declares Baajide Sanwoolu APC's governorship candidate in Lagos.Congratulations to @jideS #APCLagosPrimaries #APCPrimaries @jideS @Ayourb @Mr_JAGs @FireOFola @cbngov_akin1 @scarfizal pic.twitter.com/2PxEK000go
— APC Lagos State (@APCLagosNG) October 3, 2018
The Genius Media