“After leaving Ekiti, he went to Ondo, where he also attended a book launch hosted by Olu Falae, who was hosting a presentation of his two books: The Way Forward for Nigeria: The Economy and Polity and Keeping Faith: A Biography.”
Aminu Tambuwal, Governor of Sokoto State and presidential aspirant seeking to contest on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has taken his campaign train to Ekiti State.
According to Tambuwal, visiting Ayodele Fayose, Governor of Ekiti State, was part of efforts to “share his vision for a greater Nigeria”.
He was received by Fayose, his deputy, Olusola Eleka, and other party stakeholders in the state.
Tambuwal also maintained that “Nigeria can not afford to be left behind in this digital age”.
He revealed the visit via a tweet, which read: “I am in Ekiti State to meet with our party delegates and stakeholders to share my vision of a #GreaterNigeria where the best brains are given the opportunity to lead. Nigeria can not afford to be left behind in this digital age.”
After leaving Ekiti, he went to Ondo, where he also attended a book launch hosted by Olu Falae, who was hosting a presentation of his two books: The Way Forward for Nigeria: The Economy and Polity and Keeping Faith: A Biography.
The presidential aspirant has visited a couple of states to seek support for his presidential aspiration.