“And the American added the caption: “I’m coming back to fight Manny Pacquiao this year another 9 figure payday on the way.” The video by Saturday has attracted 1.4 million views out of the 21.1m followers on Instagram.”
Floyd Mayweather has claimed he will come out of retirement to face Manny Pacquiao in a rematch in December, according to reports.
The pair first faced off in 2015 as the unbeaten Mayweather came out on top with Pacquiao chasing a rematch ever since.
Mayweather retired following his victory over Conor McGregor a year ago but he appears to have been tempted to return.
He posted a video on his Instagram of the pair coming face-to-face, with Mayweather heard shouting: “I’m coming back in December”.
And the American added the caption: “I’m coming back to fight Manny Pacquiao this year another 9 figure payday on the way.” The video by Saturday has attracted 1.4 million views out of the 21.1m followers on Instagram.
Watch the video:
In the clip, Pacquiao is seen gesturing to the American and saying he holds the belt, to which Mayweather replies: “I will take them from you like I did last time.”
The pound-for-pound champion then mocks Pacquiao by asking him about his shoulder, which the Filipino suggested was responsible for his 2015 defeat.
Asked recently about a potential rematch, the Pacman said: “If he decides to go back to boxing then that is the time we are going to call the shots.
“I have the belt, so it’s up to him. If he wants to come back in boxing, let’s do the second one.”
The first fight was believed to be the most lucrative of all time, worth over £230m to the two fighters.
Amir Khan has recently set his sights on fighting Pacquiao although a rematch with Mayweather would be much more attractive.
The Genius Media