“In an unrelated development, the family has disclosed that almost 7 months after her abduction, no government official from local, state or federal tiers has reached out to them over their missing daughter.”
The family of hostage Christian Schoolgirl Leah Sharibu faced another calamity yesterday as her home in Dapchi was broken into and the family’s belongings looted by thieves.
According to the US Nigeria Law group, Leah’s Mother had just returned from dropping her only son (pictured) at school for resumption only to discover the break-in and theft of the families property including their generator set and foodstuff. It is not immediately clear if Leah’s belongings were also stolen as she herself is in captivity and unable to verify.
Leah Sharibu, the only Christian among the abducted 119 students of Government Girls Secondary School, Dapchi, Yobe state, is still being held by Boko Haram because she refused to denounce her Christian faith.
It will be recalled that in April, the family also suffered bereavement with the loss of Leah’s grandmother’s brother which she remains unaware of being in captivity.
In an unrelated development, the family has disclosed that almost 7 months after her abduction, no government official from local, state or federal tiers has reached out to them over their missing daughter.
This was stated in a Voice of America interview after the release of the proof of life audio.
Ironically in the audio recording, Leah specifically pleaded with the general public to assist her family. The theft of their belongings is exactly the opposite of what she desired.
- We enjoin people of goodwill to support the family at this time
- We urge the government of Nigeria to brief the family on the status of their daughter’s release
- We ask the Christian Association of Nigeria to organize a national love offering for the Sharibus for October 1 Independence Services
- We commend British MP Tom Brake for jumpstarting the 200 hours vigil to mark 200 days of Leah’s captivity
- We reaffirm our commitment to support the family per Leah’s expressed wishes and are currently undertaking a needs assessment
- We call on the Victim Support Fund to assist the Sharibu family