”There is a big event coming up in December between the Chinese Football Federation and the Lagos State Government,” the 23-year-old striker said at the Embassy.”
Nigerian female football star Asisat Oshoala has met her country’s President Muhammadu Buhari in China where they interacted and also gave a speech.
President Muhammadu Buhari arrived Beijing Saturday, September 1, to attend the Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) holding between September 3 and 4, 2018.
Asisat Oshoala who currently plays for Chinese side Dalian Quanjian F.C was at the Nigerian Embassy in Beijing where she told President Buhari about an event on Sports that will happen in December.
”There is a big event coming up in December between the Chinese Football Federation and the Lagos State Government,” the 23-year-old striker said at the Embassy.
Earlier, NAIJ.com had reported how Nigerian female football star Asisat Oshoala surprised her parents with a new mansion home in Lagos.
Asisat shared photos of the new home on social media while advising her followers to be selfless and try to make their family happy in any capacity they can.