“Meanwhile, a 17-year-old girl, Onyeisi Moses, has been electrocuted at her father’s home in Owa Oyibu community, near Agbor, Delta State.”
Policemen of Delta State Command have arrested a suspect with 11 vandalised oil pipelines, while two of his accomplices escapes. Commissioner of Police, Muhammad Mustafa, told Vanguard:
“Men of the Aboh Division accosted one Hiace Bus with number plates, DELTA LEH 177 XA, carrying cut to size 11 pipes suspected to be vandalised oil pipelines at about 4 a.m., last Tuesday.“After a hot chase, one of the suspects, Peter of Oleh, was arrested while two others escaped. An oil company has identified the exhibits as theirs. A thorough investigation is in progress.”
Meanwhile, a 17-year-old girl, Onyeisi Moses, has been electrocuted at her father’s home in Owa Oyibu community, near Agbor, Delta State.
Her father, Moses Monye, reported at Owa Oyibu Police Division that her daughter was electrocuted when she touched the gate of his residence, unknown to her that an electric wire, which was pulled down during a downpour, was resting on the gate. She died on the spot.