“The Judge ruled that the INEC boss be arrested for refusing to appear before it for the third time. The INEC Chairman was summoned to appear before the court on July 10, 2018, but failed to appear.”
The Justice Stephen Pam-led Federal High Court sitting in Abuja, has, Wednesday, issued a warrant of arrest on the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Mahmood Yakubu, over alleged contempt of court.
The Judge ruled that the INEC boss be arrested for refusing to appear before it for the third time. The INEC Chairman was summoned to appear before the court on July 10 2018, but failed to appear.
After the INEC boss failed to appear before the court on July 5, and 10, to defend a contempt proceeding filed by Ejike Oguebego and Chuks Okoye, Chairman and Legal Adviser of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Anambra State respectively against him, Justice Pam, however, gave the order for the immediate arrest of the Chairman by the police.
More Details soon…