“The lawmakers who sat in the state’s Assembly complex on Monday, 30th July 2018 gained access to the state assembly complex while the police barricaded further access to the house, Ortom’s aide has confirmed.”
In the wake of the political brouhaha going on between the two Leading parties in the country, PDP & APC. The latter has seen quite a number of its prominent members defecting to the Peoples Democratic Party for various reasons varying from internal issues, leadership crisis & zoning.
Benue state Governor, Samuel Ortom joined the decamping bandwagon as he left the ruling party, APC to join the opposition party, PDP. Earlier today, some lawmakers were able to gain entrance to the Police barricaded Benue State house of Assembly and passed a motion of impeachment on the Governor.
Eight lawmakers of the Benue State House of Assembly under the All Progressives Congress, APC, have served impeachment notice to the Governor of the state, Samuel Ortom.
The lawmakers who sat in the state’s Assembly complex on Monday, 30th July, 2018 gained access to the state assembly complex while the police barricaded further access to the house, Ortom’s aide has confirmed.
According to Ortom’s spokesman, Tahav Agerzua, the lawmakers took over the Assembly complex to sit and pass the impeachment notice while the police blocked further access.