Abasiakamauwemowo = My Life is in God’s guard Abasiama = God love Abasi-Ifreke = God Never Forget Abasiodiong = Godbless Adiaba = First female child Adiaha = First daughter affiong Afiah = Fourth born son Akakaneno = The Ultimate gift Akpan = First male son Amaeka = The love of a mother Andino = God the giver. Aniamaowo = Who likes you Aniebietabasi = Who resemble God? Aniekanabasi = Who is greater than God Anietie = Who could you compare (to God)? Anwangabasi = God understand best Anwa-nwa = Third daughter Aquabasi = GREAT GOD Asian-Abasi Asun = Fourth daughter Asuquo Ayamma = Will you love me? Ayanti = Will you remember me? Barasuene = Abundance Daraima = Celebrate Love Dattoyobong = Use it to remember God Edem = Back Edemanwan = A family daughter Edetobo = Market day Edidem = Chief Edidiong = Blessing Edikan = victory Edimek = chosen Edinen = Upright Efem = Troubled Ekaete = Father’s Mom Ekemini = The appointed time Ekong = War Emaedo = A female child who has a good character(Loving character) Emaobong = Love of God Emekan = Endurance supercedes everything Emekemeabasi = The lord Is Able Emem = Peace Ememabasi = Peace of the Lord Ememobong = Peace of the Lord Eme-obong = Precious one of God Emeti = This name actually a question. Do you remember what God has done for you? Emeti-abasi = Do You remember what God Has Done For You Emineimo = The beginning of greatness/wealth Eno = Gift Eno-Obong = Gift from God Esse-Abasi = Gospel, Goodnews Essien = Outside Etido = Good character Etiesse = Goodnews Etim = market day Etima = GoodLove Etinamabasiyakka = When my Enemies Plans Against Me, God never allow Etok = small Etoro = Praise Iberedemobong = God’s support or strenght. Idara = Joy Idaramfon = Happiness is free Idongesit = Comfort Idorenyin = Hope Ifiok = Wisdom Ifiokobong = Wisdom of God Ikemesit = Singleness of the Heart, Harmony Imaabasi = God’s love Imauwemi = Love of my life Imeh/Idobe = endurance IMOH = MEANING WEALTH Inemesit = Joy from the heart Inemesit = Happiness Iniabasi = God’s time Inyene = Riches Itoro = Glory KentoroAbasi = I am glorifying God or I am praising God Kufre = Don’t forget Kufreabasi = Do not forget God Kukere = Don’t Think or Don’t worry Yourself Kuma = Am still in love with you Kunsua = Don’t hate me Kuyik-Abasi = Faith in God Mbotidem Mfonabasi = God’s favor Mfoniso = Goodluck Mfoniso = Goodluck or Lucky Mmekomabasi = I Thank God Ndifreke = I would never forget Ndifreke = It means i would not forget my God Ndinamsomfon = what shall i do to be good Nduesoh = What have I done wrong Nkanta = You conquer and eat Nkenimabasi = I trusted in God. Nmosohwo = What have I done to you people Nne-ekami = My old grandmother’s grandmother Nnwa = Second daughter Nse = I am looking Nsedu = I am looking at you character NSEMO = Looking at them Nsikak = Ask a Efik/Ibibio man there for the meaning Nsikak-Abasi = Nothing is too heavy for God Nsikan = Ask that Efik/Ibibio man there for the meaning Nsikan-Obong = Nothing is more than God Nwaha = Second female child Nwah-Nwah = Third female child Obongama = God’s love Obongama = God’s love Ofonime = It is good to be patience Okon = Night Oto-Obong = From God Otu = Chief/King Otuekongabasi = Warrior or war bearer Owoidohoukem = Everybody are not Equal andiyene ama……………………………..the owners love uduak abasi……………………………………..G ods will ete obong……………………………………… … the kings father Tima = Remember Love Udemeobong = My share from God Udo = Second son of the family Udofia = Fourth born son Udofot = Fourth born son Udoh = second Male son Udoh-Udoh = Third born son Udom = Right Udo-udo = Third son UduakAbasi = Will of God Ufia = Fourth son Ufia-ufia = Fifth son Ufot = Third born son Ukeme = Ability Uko = Courage; bravery Unwanaabasi = God’s light Usen = The day Usoro = festial period Utibe = Marvelous/ Wonderful Uwakmfon = Abundant blessing Uwem = Life is enjoyment Uwemediemoh = Health is wealth Uyai = Beauty Uyobong = God’s Voice